
Omnisfera - Ferramentas Manuais para Incêndios Florestais


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The MINI-MAC makes the traditional McLeod more agile and versatile, keeping only four trailing teeth and a narrower but sharper cutting blade, changing its angles of attack, making the tool less tiring, lighter and more ergonomically balanced .
Sales price 61,47 €
Sales price without tax 54,40 €
This item is made up of one MINI-MAC tool compatible with OMNISFERA Universal Handles (purchased separately).
It arises from the challenge of improving an existing and proven tool (McLeod), adapting it to our operational reality by producing a lighter, less fatiguing, ergonomically more balanced tool with a high cutting and trawling capacity, especially in shrub fuels thin and medium.
By changing the angle of attack of the blade, a less tiring and ergonomically more balanced tool was achieved.
Balance and lightness
With a strategically positioned center of gravity, and with significant material removal compared to traditional McLeod, the MINI-MAC allows increased work income for less physical wear.
The materials used in its manufacture and the strict quality control, applied throughout the process, give the tool greater longevity.
Simplicity and Ingenuity
Using the OMNISFERA tools philosophy, the MINI-MAC is attached to the cable by a single M12 screw, allowing quick assembly or disassembly. The total screw engagement in the tool generates a plane base allowing the tool to stand up. Helping in the process of fighting forest fires.
Technical data:
Length: 230mm
Width: 164mm
Blade thickness: 4mm
2100g (average weight when together with 120cm handle)
2200g (average weight when together with 130cm handle)
High-performance anti-wear steel with 450 HB - Brinell hardness) laser cut
Each Mini-Mac has recorded a batch number indexed to a certificate of conformity of the steel
Cutting surfaces
Produced using CNC milling cutter, guaranteeing precision, uniformity and non-change of initial properties of the steel
Anticorrosion treament: Zinc
Coating thickness: >= 8 μm , with trivalent blue passivation
Drag face
Composed by four teeth of 90mm in length and 37,5mm apart
Function compatible with McLeod
Digging face
Comprised of a 130mm wide digging blade with the sharpening of 66º
Function compatible with traditional hoe and Mcleod


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email  geral@omnisfera.pt

phone (+351)  916 800 375 (WhatsApp)

adress 39º 6.931'N  009º 17.348'W


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